'Tis the season to be jolly, right? Well, what better way
to celebrate than with some Doggy Style holiday columns, the perfect gift when you care
enough to offend the very best....
The New Year Valentine's Day
Last Minute Holiday Gift Guide
It’s time once again
to settle in front of a roaring fire, munch on roasted chestnuts, and
dump the eggnog down the drain so you can chug the rum straight.
That’s right, it’s time to make out your holiday gift list. And
since you don't want to worry about it, I will. Here are this year's
late-breaking holiday gift suggestions. Go ahead, put the
"X" back in Xmas.
Gift Guide 2006
You really wanted to give your
loved ones peace on earth and goodwill towards men this year but,
wouldn’t you know it, Neiman Marcus went and featured a trip into
space for six — at a cost of only $1.7 million — in their
Christmas catalog instead. Not to worry. I'm here to help you keep
from giving everyone yet another Old Spice Gift set. Just sit back,
chug some eggnog, and after you're finished getting sick, lets get
Gift Guide 2004
If you’re anything
like me, and for your sake I hope the resemblance is purely
superficial, you haven’t made out your Christmas list yet. Okay, you
haven’t even thought about it. But there’s no need to panic, I’m
here to make your life easy. Whether you want a fish stick with an
image of Jesus on it, an exploding cell phone (a real laff riot!), or
synthetic urine, you've come to the right place.
Dog's Budget Holiday Gift Guide
In spite of what Someone keeps telling us, the economy is tight
this year. This means we need to buy gifts on a budget. But don't
despair, you can still afford a glowing fish, a well-endowed fossil, a
highly sexed worm, or a 10-cent metal sculpture of a president.
God Christmas Only Comes Once a Year
The past year has been amazingly busy here in the Dog household. The body cast will be coming off soon, Brian apologized for misspelling "Mom" on my new tattoo, and the I.R.S. dropped the tax evasion charges when they came to the house and agreed that I couldn't possibly have made any money last year.
But look on the bright side, at least I can still send out this
Christmas newsletter!
Not The Gift That Counts, It's...Okay, It's The Gift
Just in case Santa's
elves are too busy auditioning for Under The Rainbow-2 to help
with your Christmas shopping, here are a few gift suggestions. Well,
providing you have people on your list who would like a bondage
Barbie, a crying baby translator, an ad on a police car, or a roll of
wart-removing duct tape. And after all, who doesn't?
Beginning to Shop a Lot Like Christmas
is going to be different this year. Not just because the outside of
every house will be decorated in red, white, and blue bulbs. Or that
you'll have to explain to the kids that Santa’s beard is white
because he’s old, not because it’s covered in anthrax. No, this
year will be different because when you splurge on gifts you won’t
have to feel guilty. In fact you’ll feel downright good knowing that
you’re not only bringing a smile to people’s faces, but ’ll also
helping the economy and doing your part to win the war on terrorism.
Now if you only knew what to buy....
Better to Give, Especially If You're Giving These
There comes a time during the
holiday season when we have to look past the glittery tinsel, the
sparkling lights, and the 1,456,975th bad rendition of “The Little
Drummer Boy” and remind ourselves what Christmas is all about: gifts.
That's why I’ve put together a few gift suggestions, each one perfect
for the person who wishes they had everything.
Dreaming of a White Rice Christmas
Christmas 2000 in Bali
It’s a couple of days before Christmas and there’s little
question it’s going to be a non-event. What do you expect on a Hindu
island in a Muslim country? Of course we can always hope that Santa
will drop off some hot Balinese woman who doesn’t want an instant
family or a green card, but the truth is I’d have a better chance of
running into Richard Simmons, Jr. sarong shopping on Jalan Raya.
Holiday Gift Suggestions for the
New Millennium
If youre like me and havent
even thought about making a list, better yet gotten around to checking it twice, here are
a few gift suggestions which may help ensure that you and your family dont end up on
the Fox Networks Christmas special, "Americas Best Holiday Massacres
Caught on Tape."
All I Want for Christmas
Everyones getting into the Christmas spirit, and its about
time, dont you think? After all, the displays have been in the stores since Labor
Day, you woke up this morning with the realization that Christmas also spells "trims
cash", and everyone including that guy behind the counter at the 7-11 is wishing you
a happy holiday. Right. Like youre actually going to leave him a tip for ringing up
that Breakfast Big Bite and the large Peanut Butter and Jelly Slurpee. I mean, its
not as if he sold you a Furby or anything.
Christmas in the '90s
What we really need is a good updating of the classics. Something
traditional, yet something we can relate to in this digital age. That's why, in the spirit
of Christmas giving, I hereby give and bequeath these 90's movie concepts to Hollywood,
the world, and especially to you, the loyal reader sitting in your La-Z-Boy recliner with
remote in hand and popcorn ball in your mouth.
Holiday Gift Ideas
While you were busy decking the halls, nogging your egg, and
trimming the tree (then cleaning up the branches you trimmed off), I was scouring the four
corners of the earth looking for gift ideas, not an easy task when you realize that the
world is round and, if I remember my geometry half as well as I wish I did, that means it
can only have one corner. The left one. What Im getting at is that even though I
missed three corners of the earth Ive managed to uncover gifts that, should you
choose to give them, will make you the belle of the Christmas ball. |
The New
The End of New Year's Resolutions
Every year about this time at least a dozen people feel the urge to ask
me if I've made any New Year's resolutions. And every year I feel compelled to tell them
that although Albert Einstein calculated the density of the Milky Way in 1931 he never
fully understood the Snickers bar. Heck, it's easier than telling them the truth: that
I've never made a New Year's resolution in my life.
Being Thankful For a New Year
As the year winds down it’s time for reflection and giving thanks.
I’m thankful I made it through another year reasonably intact. I’m
thankful the presidential election is over. I’m thankful that Ocean's
12’s only predecessor was Ocean’s 11 and that the series
didn’t start with Ocean. And I’m thankful I haven't had a
nail in my head for four years. That's only the beginning.
Life Will Be Fine in '99
I spotted the new year coming from a mile away. The first tip off was
the note on my Martha Stewart desk calendar to "chop down a tree to make paper for
next years calendar." Then there was the arrival of Christmasa pretty
strong clue in itself. Next came People magazine's "100 People Whose Movie Studios
and Record Companies Bought The Most Advertising So Wed Put Them On Our Cover"
issue, which sold briskly in spite of the fact that we all guessed that Leonardo DiCaprio
would be number one. But the real clincher was when I blindly stumbled across my first
"Year in Review" article.
A Laymans Guide to Millennium Fever
The first thing you want to know about the millennium is WHOas in, who cares?
Actually, a lot of people care. And by some coincidence they all stand to make money from
it. Miller Beer got a trademark to call themselves the "Official Beer of the
Millennium" because, well, they thought of it before you did. |
The Secret Life of Thanksgiving
NEW FOR 2008!
It’s almost Thanksgiving, the holiday that begins
with watching giant over-inflated balloons and winds up with us
sitting on the couch feeling like one. It’s the day when we spend
five hours cooking a turkey that will be a burp in twenty minutes, and
the day we pull out the Art of War so we can plot a strategy to
outflank, outsmart, and outbuy everyone when we hit the stores at 5:00
a.m. on Black Friday. But mostly, it’s a day of giving thanks.
Thanks for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is relatively intact,
still being celebrated by eating until a plunger won’t get more food
down, snoring in front of the TV while telling yourself that breathing
is aerobic exercise, doing our best to pretend we like everyone in the
family for at least the first half hour, and trying not to think about
what mincemeat is while we shovel it down because, well, it’s
Thanksgiving and you’re required by law to eat everything that’s
set out on the table, including the pine cone turkey centerpiece.
us this day, our daily rice
Thanksgiving 2000 in Bali
It's Thanksgiving and there are no turkeys to be
found. If I wanted to be like the Balinese I'd eat nasi campur
three times a day with my hands. But I think I'll stick with Chee-tos
Chicken Grill flavor. After all, the package says: “Chester
Cheetah makin kerin aja! Chee-tos Snack yang….KREESSH!” and
that's good enough for me.
'Tis the Season to be
For years the great philosophers of the world have told us that people can be divided into
two basic groups: shoppers and rational human beings. As opposed to other classifications
of the human race such as "those
who think Borat is funny" and "those without a sense of
humor" its easy to tell shoppers and non-shoppers apart. |
Women Love Valentines
Day, Men are From Mars - Men and women see Valentine’s
Day very differently. Right, like they don’t see just about
everything differently. Only the stakes are much higher on
Valentine’s Day. It’s like the final exam for a relationship
except there’s no book you can study, no CliffsNotes to memorize,
not even a Classics Illustrated to read in five minutes. There are
movies which would give a guy a good idea of what the day is all about
but there’s just no way he’s going to sit through it since The
Rock isn’t in it. Thus, we’re on our own. Those
Darn Sexual Myths
The truth is, no one understands sex. This is amazing
since we think about it constantly, we lust after it whenever we can, and believe it or
not, people actually study it in school. Some as an official major. But for something we
spend an inordinate amount of time trying to achieve, youd think by now wed
have a better grip on it, so to speak. Or at least a better understanding of our opponent.
Sexual signposts up ahead
man works under the assumption that as long as a woman isn’t
snoring she wants to have sex with him. Women, on the other
hand, think that any guy who buys them a drink, talks to their
chest, and casually asks whether they prefer ribbed or unribbed
condoms is only after sex. This couldn’t be farther from the
truth. Men are just naturally inquisitive. So how can we
interpret the sexual signals people give off so we can keep our
egos and body parts intact?
Women Are Spider
Mites, Men Are Sea Hares
Crossed mating signals are a major cause of hurt feelings, self-esteem
problems, and late night masturbation in adults. The trouble arises
because women are much more subtle about these signals than men. Women
flirt seductively, cook romantic candlelight dinners, and dress sexy.
Men, on the other hand, send out signals which are about as subtle as a
Jerry Springer audience. Why can't women be more like spider mites and
men like sea hares? Life would be so much easier.
Sexual Preferences
If youre like most of us, you look for a mate
whos compatible, who you want to spend your life with, and who will put up with your
counting peoples toes to make sure they have five on each foot. If youre
President Clinton, you look for someone who will stand by you even when you repeatedly
show incredibly bad taste in your choice of liaisons. And if youre Elizabeth
Taylor or Mickey Rooney, you pretty much just look for anyone you havent married
Playing by The Rules -
We all must have done something terribly, horribly, unspeakably evil in our prior lives.
As if the Macarena wasnt punishment enough for living in the 90s, now we have
to put up with hearing all about a best selling book which purports to tell women
everything they need to know in order to catch a man. Right. Like catching a man is a big
deal. Look, if you want to catch something you can really brag about, try landing a 900
lb. marlin. Or the Loch Ness monster. Then Ill be impressed. But a man? Pshaw!
Were easy.
Read This Before You Get Married
If you ever find yourself lying in bed in the morning
and you stop coughing long enough to say to yourself, "You know, maybe I was wrong.
There really isn't much of a difference between men and women," give me a call. Not
only is there a bigger difference between the two sexes than all the light years between
Mars and Venus, but I have the proof. To find out for yourself, all you have to do
is find a couple who is about to be married and get yourself invited to both the bachelor
party and the bachelorette party.
and the Single Pig-faced Boy
People in the U.S. say they have sex an average of 132 times a
year. This verifies something we’ve always suspected: Americans are
not only more obsessed with sex, but also the world’s biggest liars. The
Japanese, on the other hand, came in dead last. They have sex an
average of 37 times a year, which is about once every ten days, or
about as often as some South American countries change their president.
Looking for a *beeping* date
Here comes the latest Japanese import, the Lovegety. This is
a small pager-like device which supposedly helps you find an appropriate mate. Thats
right, it beeps when it detects someone as desperate as you are. Just kidding. Kind of.
Wind-up Romance
- Scientists all over the world may retire now, safe in the knowledge
that their probing minds and tinkering hands are no longer needed, for the ultimate
invention has been created. Yes, after putting up with such bogus technological advances
as the light bulb, the telephone and the Flow-Bee haircutting system, we can all sleep
better at night knowing that any day now we'll be able to buy a wind-up radio that can
help us find a wife.
Gorilla My Dreams
Casey, a 21-year-old gorilla who lives in New Orleans’ Audubon Zoo, is
being shown a gorilla porn video because, well, what comes naturally
just doesn't come naturally to him. You can't blame him completely, how
much can you learn when all they'll let you watch is reruns of Every
Which Way but Loose?